Monday, February 21, 2011

63 Sad

From 1975 until 1985 I often considered moving to The Farm in order to work with my friend John. Each time my wife and I wrestled over money and jobs I revisited the possibility. In my private heart of hearts in 1975 I had taken a vow of poverty and I imagined myself—idealized myself—someday dying as I read Gandhi had, with no possessions other than my two changes of simple clothing, my eyeglasses, my sandals, and my cup and bowl. My wife and I rented an apartment and then a house and for eight years we lived from paycheck to paycheck.
But finally in 1985 my wife convinced me—thank god—that if only for the sake of our children and in the interest of common sense we had to buy a house. I agonized over what I considered a breach of my vow, it was indeed a bitter pill for me to swallow, but in the end I had to concede that my wife was right. Given our situation, my principle—or the way I was trying to live it—did not make sense. For two years we had paid almost as much in rent each month as we would eventually pay to buy our own home.

Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.

I had never felt so low.
So desolate.
My experience of god was ten years old. I had freed no one, saved no one. It seemed that I had caused only pain to those I loved most—to my first two children, to my first wife, and now to my children and to Ruth. As a writer, too, I had been an abject failure. I had published nothing worth mentioning. I had a job—that was about it—and now my new supervisor had made it very clear that she did not and would not ever appreciate in my teaching any of the things I knew I did best. John had given up on the commune in Tennessee and left The Farm.
He was headed back to San Francisco.
"To try to get rich," John said.
I grieved.
I grieved.
I grieved.
My friend Billy and his wife visited me and my family for a few days in early spring. My faith in the dharma was as strong as ever but I had absolutely nothing concrete to show for my commitment to it and I desperately wished I did. Billy had seen through me.
On his way out the door to his car as he and his wife left he handed me a poem he had written about me. I unfolded the paper after he had gone and I trembled when my eyes reached the concluding word of my portrait.
I cried.
Three months later the spring quarter at the college had mercifully dragged me to its end. I felt as if I had been held hostage and my life and the lives of my wife and children threatened for one full year. Now, finally, at last, I would be off for the summer, and when my friend and colleague Jules invited me and my wife to his home for a party to celebrate the end of the school year I decided to get drunk and I did—raving and ranting and arguing for hours with every person present. The next morning I was mortified. I apologized, I mailed my note, and I promised myself I would never get drunk again. Then I wrote a poem. At first I called it "My Enlightenment" but later, still embarrassed by my earlier naive use of that term, I retitled it.
Ode to Joy—

I wish now that it had never happened
I cant think about anything else
Its all I talk about
Everyone is sick of hearing it
I know its wrong
Im not trying to get out of it
Even my wife is totally disgusted with me
She says I am rude and obnoxious
My conduct at parties embarrasses her
I refuse to listen to anyone else
I wont go home
I antagonize our hosts
Their guests say Im deluded
I think Im having a good time
Im trying to have fun
Enjoy myself
Loosen up a little
Get drunk
Go for it
Its true
I cant be happy
I drink too much
Im stoned all the time
Im dependent on coffee and cigarettes
I have a bad reputation
People never know exactly what I might do
But I have my limit
Im moralistic
Self righteous
Hypersensitive to criticism
Always denying my own faults
Im dragging everybody down
Im no fun to be with any more
I ought to talk to a psychologist
I dont believe in church
Im so self centered
     Its all I I I I I
Its so hard to control
Weve got to put it behind us
Weve got to look to the future
Its no good talking about it all the time
There I go again
Im so proud of myself
Im a loud know it all
I dont have any practical applications
Im not doing anything about it
Ive got to do something about it
Im going to do something about it
Id rather be by myself
I dont care if they dont like my company
Its teaching thats driven me crazy
I should get out
Now what will I say to them
Theyll never want to see me again
If we meet it will be tense and uncomfortable
We wont want to be doing it
Its sad it all had to work out this way
Its my fault
Ive become antisocial
I dont have any friends
I dont like to go out
I dont know how to enjoy life
Im obsessed
Im trying not to exaggerate
At first it was just a curious disbelief
Then a lamp in my dream
Then heaven
Then arguing and arguing and arguing
Im still arguing
Im always arguing
Every conversation is arguing to me
I act like Im insane
Like Im the judge
I resent these accusations
They haunt me
I take them to heart
I meditate
Focus upon them
Im sorry about it
I want to be kinder
Im tired of it too
Im sorry I keep doing it
I dont want to do it anymore
Im serious about this
I know Im repeating myself
I am ashamed
It hurts to admit
I hate myself when I act so pompous
I feel so sad
I threw up this afternoon
I am unloved
I am unloved
I am unloved
I cant sleep at night
My stomach hurts
I feel like groaning
I want to groan and keep on groaning
Im so fanatical
Ive gone over the edge
They ought to put me away
Someone told my wife that
Im sorry
I cant go to work today
Im sorry I cant go to work today
Inside Im always crying
My heart is always aching
Aching and aching
If I start
Id never be able to stop if I start
I would just
I read the morning paper
I watch cbstv
I try to see the good side
I like cheerful people
Inside Im always crying
My father is there
Do you want something to cry about
Im terrified
With his belt as hard as he can
I have no one
This happens every single day
This goes on for years
I have no other memory of my father until this stops
I am totally helpless
I am totally at his mercy
I take it out on my brother
I tease him
He begins to hate me
I am left with my guilts and regrets
Last week a student wrote
I know who I am
I dont want to be me
I cant explain why I did it
I dont want it to be
I cant adjust anymore
I cant get used to it
I cant get used to it
Why would I do something like that
Why did I do it
I dont understand
What is accomplished
I know Im repeating myself
I know Im repeating myself
I dont mean to
I cant understand
I just cant accept it
Its too hard to accept
Im no good for anyone else
Ill lose at this game
I cant survive all of this struggling
It feels like hell to me
It is hell to me
I wish I had never been born
If I could rejoin oblivion by walking out that door
Id be dead
Ive said it
The curse they all hear in me
Ive given up
I dont care anymore
I know I shouldnt feel this way
I dont have good mental health
My stomach is tearing
My heart aches
Dont touch me
I dont want any help
I dont want anything
I dont have any goal
My life is mixed up
I cant earn a comfortable living
I dont understand debt
I dont have any money
I cant work any harder
I cant do any more
It wont get any better
My condition wont improve
I refuse medication
Im suspicious of doctors
I dont know how to sing
I cant carry a tune
Im too shy to be dancing
I have no appetite
I dont like to go shopping
I feel guilty at restaurants
Neckties choke me
     Ill always be this way
     Ill always be sad
     Ill always be spoiling it for them
     Ill always be spoiling it for everybody else
     Ill always be spoiling it for everybody else

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